Friday, October 07, 2011

No rear view mirror, Apple

The graphic really started it all for me. Most love it, I think it is dreadful, and actualizes one of the worst things that could happen to apple.

It shows Steve Jobs - doing what? - looking down at Apple from above - his eternal gaze fixed on the company? His specter will wander the halls of cupertino for some time to come - his DNA is embedded in the company.

That I think the graphic is terrible  - but it is a matter of taste - I know many like it - but what it embodies is an Apple that looks back - not forward. I can't believe that people are clamoring for it to become the new Apple logo. It is exactly the worst possible thing that could happen to Apple. A company that fails to look forward because it is always looking backward - towards the legacy of Steve - constantly asking itself (under the ghost like glare of Steve) "What would Steve do?". This is a classic scenario for decline - one where the company becomes held hostage to a legacy. This happened to Disney. There was a gap where after Walt Disney died, Disney Pictures made a series of lousy movies - but eventually they escaped it.

Steve Jobs worked hard to make Apple what it is today. I sorely miss him - like many. I have witnessed too many great people die in my life.

The logo points to a crippled, wounded company. I would hope that instead - let Apple be Apple - not Steve's Company. This is the only way the legacy can truly be alive. If people want to wear it on a t-shirt - fine - I think (and hope) ultimately it goes the way of the American flags that everyone had on their car/SUV after we invaded to Iraq. But they will need to let go at some point - and be willing to accept that Apple will (and should) move on.

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